Here are some of our favorite food links from around the web this week. We hope that you like them, too.


Sriracha to-go packets exist! 

How to make snow ice cream. Timely.

Coconut Nutella Hot Chocolate. Timely and warming.

Rome restaurant draws backlash after banning children under five due to ‘lack of manners.’

Three reasons to eat together as a family.


An illustrated guide to poaching eggs by CakeSpy (get the whole guide at Craftsy!)

An illustrated guide to poaching eggs from CakeSpy. (Get the full guide on Craftsy.)

An easy trick for making out-of-season winter fruit taste great. (Picky eaters will LOVE this.)

New study reports there are fewer fish left in the oceans than previously thought due to overfishing.

McDonalds Japan debuts chocolate-covered french fries. Of course.

Pizza wrapping paper for everything!

The most insane milkshakes. Whoa.

Industrious college student whips up a whimsical pancake printer.