by Kate Etue | Jun 1, 2021 | Recipes, Party!
This week I was flipping through my favorite cookbooks, looking for a fun dessert to make with my kids. After a year of baking our way through quarantine, I was feeling uninspired by all the cakes and cupcakes I saw. Then it hit me: I should be looking for tasty...
by Kate Etue | May 14, 2021 | Recipes, Party!
Wow, I feel like we just started this school year and now, here I am getting graduation invitations and planning graduation gifts to celebrate. Thanks to the vaccinations, our friends are finally ready to throw some small, outdoor graduation celebrations to recognize...
by Kate Etue | May 11, 2021 | Recipes, Party!
With the weather warming up, I find myself browsing easy spring appetizers for dinner at home, because I love the idea of turning a few favorite party foods into a whole meal. These spring appetizers for dinner look delicious and easy enough for a fun movie night with...
by Liz Gumbinner | May 8, 2021 | Recipes, Holiday Cooking, Party!
So many of us are feeling extra grateful this year to get to celebrate Mother’s Day — especially when we have older moms who we’re still lucky to have in our lives, and who we haven’t seen nearly enough over the past year. I know I my family,...
by Kate Etue | Apr 14, 2021 | Party!, Recipes, Tips + Tricks
My favorite part of any holiday is the food, and Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are no exception, so you can see why I’m so taken with food bar ideas. I mean, hat I want most this year (especially this year!) is to sit around the table with family...
by Liz Gumbinner | Mar 24, 2021 | Shopping Finds, Party!
I’m eagerly awaiting for all the Passover jokes on Twitter like, “You thought 40 years in the desert was rough, try surviving 13 months in a pandemic!” Or something. But hey, unlike the olden times, we can enjoy our unleavened bread deliciously...