by jane | Jan 27, 2016 | Recipes
Several years ago, my family resolved to eat less meat. Though we didn’t want to become vegetarians, we were interested in cutting back on meat for both health and environmental reasons. At first I was nervous about how to feed my family protein-rich meals without it,...
by Jane Sweeney | Jan 16, 2016 | Party!, Recipes
For a lot of people, the best part about the Super Bowl is eating. I actually love football and even I still get more excited about what’s on the menu than what’s on the field. Unfortunately, though, it’s usually a feast full of grease and belly bloating carbs,...
by Jane Sweeney | Dec 21, 2015 | Christmas, Holiday Cooking, Recipes
If you ever need a reminder of what the holidays are about, watch a child on Christmas morning. The excitement is palpable and the magic is real. I just want to soak it all in, but I also want a top-notch brunch to kick off the holiday. What’s a girl to do? Whip...
by Stacie Billis | Aug 3, 2015 | Recipes, Tips + Tricks
It’s almost time for the kids to head back to school and slow—or, at least, slower—mornings will be a thing of the past until the next school vacation. During busy weekday mornings, I find it hard to get healthy breakfasts on the table unless they’ve been made or...
by Stacie Billis | Jun 15, 2015 | Recipes
One way to start the day right this coming Father’s Day is by making a special breakfast just for your favorite dad. These recipes are simple, delicious, and festive. Many are also easy enough that the kids can help. (And, if not, have them work on one of these...