Several years ago, the internet went crazy for DIY frozen yogurt dots. At the time, I had a littler one who didn’t yet beg for Fanta (what can I say, he’s only had soda on vacation abroad) and was happy—thrilled, really—to munch on healthy frozen bits of yogurt. The colors and texture were fun for him and, to be honest, they were fun to make. I get why they got so popular, but was surprised when I realized the other day that I hadn’t seen them in a while.

If you have a toddler for the first time or maybe you just forgot about these like me, allow me to re-introduce you to one awesome toddler snack recipe.

Related: Healthy, low-sugar baby cookie recipes that you can feel good sharing with your baby or toddler.


Easy, DIY frozen yogurt dots make a super fun and healthy toddler snack | Small Fry blog

I can’t be sure where frozen yogurt dots originated, but I love the tutorial at Small Fry. It’s straightforward and easy to follow. It also calls for just a few ingredients. No fancy flavors, just colorful, slightly sweetened yogurt which was good enough for my little one. You know, back when he was a toddler.

I love even more that the ladies at Small Fry updated their post last year with a very important change. In their Frozen Yogurt Dots 2.0 recipe, they swap out the artificial food color for an all-natural brand, India Tree, that happens to be our favorite, too. The colors aren’t as vibrant (top photo), but your toddler is unlikely to notice and you can feel good about their snack.


Play with your food! Hand your toddler some colored, slightly sweetened yogurt as an edible finger paint | Cool Mom Eats

Then, of course, if you’d prefer to skip the piping and freezing, just hand over the colored yogurt and let your child use it as an edible finger paint. That works, too.