I am so stoked to have recently discovered Elmhurst Milks, a plant-based and hella delicious new line of 10 non-dairy milks made from both nuts and grains.

Elmhurst actually started as a traditional dairy farm in the Northeast, but I’m so glad they’ve recently joined the plant-based revolution. Because while my spouse and I have been drinking coconut milk for years, I’m a lot more picky about additives now that we have a toddler in the house. Elmhurst cuts out all of the artificial stuff and additives, too, leaving a delicious, smooth flavor and texture without stabilizers or gums.

Yes, I think they might be wizards.

Related: 10 easy ways to cut back on–or maybe even eliminate–dairy. 

Elmhurst plant-based milks: Milked Peanuts



The Elmhurst Cashew Milk is thick and creamy. Their oat milk is light but satisfying — great in oatmeal, as you might have guessed. And don’t even get me started on the peanut milk with dutch cocoa, which my family devoured in a day.

And yes, the last one’s a dessert milk, or a post-workout refuel drink since it’s got 8g protein in each glass. It also makes a great treat for kids — especially lactose-intolerant or dairy-free kids who have to say no to traditional chocolate milk.

While some of the milks have some added sugar, like the brown rice milk (which also has 20 grams of whole grains per glass!), Elmhurst carries a whole line with no added sugar at all. And, yes, they still taste good.

A few months ago I couldn’t find Elmhurst milks anywhere in my city, but I’m thrilled to report that I can now find them as close as my local Publix in Nashville. So thrilled, in fact, that I had to share the news with you all.

Find Elmhurst at your local supermarket or order it online from the Elmhurst website. It’s great to ship since it doesn’t have to be refrigerated. Shake and enjoy!