For some unknown reason, my social media feeds are filled with people craving Philly cheesesteaks right now. Because, yay Philly! Good things happen in Philadelphia, as I like to say. And not just because the Philly area is where my mom’s family comes from, and where my beloved business partner Kristen lives today, and where my celebrity boyfriend Bradley Cooper grew up.
While I am missing Federal Donuts and Zahav and Mission Taqueria and Abe Fisher tremendously (not to mention WaWa), today I’m focusing on something I can actually make myself at home, while travel is still prohibitive: Philly Cheesesteaks. Authentic Philly cheesesteaks.
Sound good? You’re my people.
I tracked down the authentic DIY Philly cheesesteak recipes straight from the two kings/masters/grand poohbah’s of cheese steaks, Pat’s and Geno’s. They’re easier than you think, and should tide you over with all the greasy, drippy, delicious goodness until you can head out then get your own from the source.
Related: Pro tips about kids and food with Philly Chef Kevin Sbraga
Pat’s Philadelphia Cheesesteak recipe can be found right on the Food Network site. You can use your own favorite processed American or Provolone cheese, but I mean come on…go for the Whiz! Like you’ve been counting calories lately? I think not.
It’s just 5 ingredients if you skip the optional peppers and mushrooms (I do) plus the ketchup which… that’s a no from me, dawg.
Geno’s Philadelphia Cheesesteak recipe (A.K.A. “Whiz Wit”) appears here, courtesy of Geno Vento himself. A video from his appearance on the Today Show offers up three variations and some helpful hints, but you know you have to start with the original. The difference between the oil in this recipe and the one from Pat’s is worth remembering.
Note that you can totally add these to our list of our favorite fast dinner recipes, because they each take only 15 minutes or less to make, at least once you’ve sliced up the steak.
Which leaves you more time for Philly’s next favorite obsession: Fighting about who makes the best cheesesteak.
Photo credits: Geno’s Cheesesteak via JohnnyCalifornia, Pat’s cheesesteak via LIfeasawife, Geno’s and Pat’s restaurants via Jason Knauer, all via CC BY-SA 3.0 license, Wikimedia Commons