by Kate Etue | Jan 23, 2016 | Recipes
My kids could easily eat pizza for all three meals (and probably have, on a bad day). Since it’s such a favorite, I’m always looking for ways to make pizza a little bit healthier, and homemade is the way to go. This weekend we put a fun spin on traditional...
by Stacie Billis | Jan 20, 2016 | Party!, Recipes
I love Valentine’s Day projects, and when my boys were young, would try (hard) to make Valentine’s Day crafts with them to hand out to their classmates. But the year I found myself speaking, uh, heatedly, to my 5-year-old about how he wasn’t showing...
by Stacie Billis | Jan 14, 2016 | Recipes, Tips + Tricks
My younger son’s birthday is in mid-October and the older one’s is on January 5th. That means that I go from birthday to Halloween to Thanksgiving to Hanukkah and Christmas to New Year’s Eve. And when it’s finally over for everyone else,...
by Kate Etue | Jan 13, 2016 | Recipes, Tips + Tricks
Research (and good common sense) shows that it’s really, really good for kids to help with household chores, and even make mistakes while doing them. That includes letting kids help in the kitchen, too. I know: the mess! But baking with kids is a great first...
by Stacie Billis | Jan 11, 2016 | Party!, Recipes
There are a few ingredients I can’t live without, and sour cream is one of them. Seriously, I can spoon the stuff straight from the tub into my mouth. And I have. (Sexy, right?) In addition to being supremely tasty, sour cream is also great to work with in the...