by Lisa Barnes | Feb 28, 2022 | Shopping Finds
The space under my kitchen sink has always been so incredibly messy and cluttered. It just seemed like a large catch-all space for miscellaneous cleaning supplies, dish soap, garbage bags, and whatever else got shoved under there. It’s an odd space because you...
by Caroline Siegrist | Aug 30, 2021 | Tips + Tricks, Shopping Finds
After so much time at home with the kids this past year, let’s just say that my kitchen is not its best self right now. (Neither are the parents here, but that’s another story!) So I’ve been gathering tips, tricks, and products for reorganizing my...
by Cool Mom Team | Aug 17, 2021 | Back to School
This past year we all spent a good amount of time and thought into prepping our pantry for an emergency – but now as we head back to school our pantries may not be stocked very well for every day snacks and packing lunches. So we have updated of one of our...
by laurastone | Mar 15, 2020 | Tips + Tricks
So you think you’re in a pandemic? You are. And as someone who grew up learning how to plan for things like this, the Cool Mom Eats team asked me to put together a helpful guide to keeping the family fed (and possibly entertained) during a potential quarantine....
by Cool Mom Team | Nov 30, 2019 | Gift Guides, Christmas, Holiday Cooking, Shopping Finds
If you ask us, the best part of the holidays is spending time with family and friends. Though we don’t quite party the way we used to pre-kids (sigh), it’s nice to drop in on those we love, and part of the fun is bearing gifts — because we think that...