by jane | Feb 2, 2016 | Recipes
Ah, breakfast for dinner. I love it because it’s easy. My kids love it because, well, breakfast for dinner. My husband, however, hates when he sees those three words on our weekly menu because he assumes that breakfast for dinner means plain pancakes and cereal....
by jane | Jan 27, 2016 | Recipes
Several years ago, my family resolved to eat less meat. Though we didn’t want to become vegetarians, we were interested in cutting back on meat for both health and environmental reasons. At first I was nervous about how to feed my family protein-rich meals without it,...
by jane | Jan 6, 2016 | Recipes, Tips + Tricks
Whether or not your new year’s resolution has to do with eating better, January is here and pretty much everyone is thinking about healthy eating. After a month (or two!) of rich, decadent food, our bodies have the right to demand more wholesome eats and, honestly,...
by jane | Dec 29, 2015 | New Year's Eve, Party!, Recipes
Three-ingredient cocktail party recipes are one of those staples you need to always have on hand. I mean, if you’ve got festive New Year’s Eve cocktails and mocktails ready to go, you can’t forget the food right? You can either plan a fun meal with...
by jane | Dec 23, 2015 | Christmas, Recipes
Every year there is a Christmas tradition at which I totally fail: making cookies for Santa. I never think about a treat for the big guy until my kids happily exclaim, “Let’s make cookies for Santa!” on Christmas Eve night. Sigh. Instead of doing...