by Stacie Billis | Mar 10, 2016 | Recipes
St. Patrick’s Day isn’t my thing. (How’s that for the open of a St. Patrick’s Day post?) But now that I have kids—who love any excuse to celebrate anything—I hate to be a curmudgeon about it. So, after thinking about it long and hard (okay, not...
by Kate Etue | Feb 8, 2016 | Recipes
I’m so happy that Valentine’s Day falls on a weekend this year. I can love on my kids all day, then head out the door for a guilt-free date night with my husband in the evening. I’m thinking we’ll whip up a batch of these delicious-looking pink...
by jane | Jan 27, 2016 | Recipes
Several years ago, my family resolved to eat less meat. Though we didn’t want to become vegetarians, we were interested in cutting back on meat for both health and environmental reasons. At first I was nervous about how to feed my family protein-rich meals without it,...
by Kate Etue | Jan 23, 2016 | Recipes
My kids could easily eat pizza for all three meals (and probably have, on a bad day). Since it’s such a favorite, I’m always looking for ways to make pizza a little bit healthier, and homemade is the way to go. This weekend we put a fun spin on traditional...
by Kate Etue | Nov 13, 2015 | Shopping Finds
When my kids go to the grocery with me, I usually let them pick one thing each that they want for their lunches during the week. And their choice almost always has a character on it. So I was excited to see the news that, with the new Star Wars movie coming out next...