Here are our favorite links from around the web this week. We hope that you like them, too.


Insanely cute fruit kabob cookies from one of our new favorite feeds on Instagram.

The world’s largest cereal company is ditching artificial ingredients.

Bon Appetit announces its annual Top 50 restaurants in America.

Oh boy: Another writer tells us why her kids eat fish heads, and anything else.

Eating spicy food may help you live longer.


The cutest watermelon popsicles recipe—and they're easy, too! | NSMBL

The recipe for these adorable watermelon pops is in Dutch, but Google translate makes it clear enough to follow, so we’re in.

‘Bespoke Water’ video pokes fun at earnest artisanal food makers. Ha!

A history of ice cream says that we’re in a new golden age—yum.

A Giving Tree inspired cake.

30 gorgeous and delicious literary cakes from Seuss and Sendak to David Foster Wallace.

Seasonal Peeps are hitting shelves! This year: Pumpkin Spice, Caramel Apple, and Candy Corn.

Turns out the map of our tastebuds is wrong. This boozy cocktail experiment will demonstrate. (Maybe try it when the kids aren’t around.)

The founders of Tobasco are opening a new restaurant on a private island in Louisianna with Tobasco everything. Road trip!

K-Cup sales are falling for the first time ever. Maybe because of the environmental impact?