Making smoothies is easy, right? That’s what everyone says and, while I know that it’s true, I have to wonder why people don’t make them more frequently. I can tell you why don’t make them as much as I should: Because it’s kind of a pain in the butt to measure, cut, blend, and clean. Not hard—but a pain.Except when I prep these make-ahead smoothie packs.

Related: The Blender Girl Smoothies app: More healthy than Candy Crush in a few ways.

I don’t think that I’m lazy but, seriously, when you’re trying to get two kids off to school or camp in the morning, or they come home tired and you still haven’t finished your to-do list and dinner prep is looming, pulling out the blender and whipping up a smoothie feels so much harder than it should. So I came up with a shortcut that makes blending up a healthy breakfast or snack that much easier.


Related: 3 smoothie cookbooks that give healthy a tasty twist.

How much easier? Like, when these make-ahead smoothie packs are in the freezer I make smoothies and when they’re not, I don’t. Watch to see and also get inspiration for what can go in your first set of smoothie packs.


Do you have a trick for making smoothies an easier task? And what will you put in your smoothie packs? Tell me! Anything to make more delicious smoothies more frequently.